About our Department
Our research
The research strategy of our department is focused in 4 research lines:
‘Prevention and early treatment of osteoarthritis’
‘Musculoskeletal growth and development’
‘Exercise as medicine and healthcare for sports injuries’
‘Technology for Complex Musculoskeletal reconstructions’
Principal Investigators
Prof. dr. G.J.V.M (Gerjo) van Osch
Prof. dr. S.M.A. (Sita) Bierma-Zeinstra
Prof. dr. ir. J. (Jaap) Harlaar
R. (Roberto) Narcisi, PhD
Associate professor
Prof. D. Eygendaal, MD, PhD
Head of the department
M. (Max) Reijman, PhD
Associate professor
D.E. (Duncan) Meuffels, MD PhD
Associate Professor, orthopaedic surgeon
R. (Rintje) Agricola, MD PhD
Orthopedic Surgeon, Associate professor
J. W. (Joost) Colaris, MD PhD
Orthopaedic surgeon, Associate professor
R.J. (Robert-Jan) de Vos
Associate professor
J.J. (Jaap) Tolk, MD PhD
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
J.P.H.J. (Joost) Rutges, MD, PhD
Orthopaedic surgeon
Research lines
Prevention and early treatment of osteoarthritis
Musculoskeletal growth and development
Exercise as medicine and healthcare for sports injuries
Technology for Complex Musculoskeletal reconstructions
At Home screening for scoliosis
Healthy Joints
Microfet2 Stabilizer project
Pediatric septic arthritis
RETURN Project
Treatment of Achilles tendinopathy – a living systematic review and network meta-analysis
WalkWell Gait reTrainer
World COACH Consortium
Doctoral theses
Jinchi Tang (Februari 2025) Cam Morphology and its role in hip osteoarthritis. Promotor: Prof.dr. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra, Copromotor: Dr. Agricola Pure.eur.nl
Tjerk Visser Sleeswijk (October 2024) Impact, diagnostic imaging and prognosis of Achilles tendinopathy. Promotor: Prof. Eygendaal, MD, PhD, Copromotor: R.J. de Vos, MD, PhD. Pure.eur.nl
Jietao Xu (November 14, 2024) Regeneration of the osteochondral unit; Understanding biomaterial-driven endogenous repair using in vitro, ex vivo and preclinical models. Promotor: Prof. G.J.V.M. Van Osch, PhD, Prof. P. Brama, PhD, Prof. E.J. Farrel, PhD. Pure.eur.nl
Noortje Riedstra ( September 2024) Hip Morphology and Osteoarthritis, From Anatomical Variations to Clinical Implications. Promotor: Prof. D. Eygendaal MD. PhD & Prof. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra, MD. PhD, CoPromotor: R. Agricola, MD, PhD Pure.nl
Rik Molenaars (September 2024) Ulnar Collateral Ligament Insufficiency of the Elbow in Overhead Athletes. Promotor: Prof. D. Eygendaal, MD. PhD & Prof. M.P.J. van den Bekerom, MD. PhD, Pure.nl
Kyra Kloosterman (September 2024): On the Run for running-related injuries. Consequences, role of training load and prevention. Copromotor: Dr. R.J. de Vos. Pure Eur.nl
Maarten Koper ( September 2024) Metal-on-metal hip arthroplasy. The significance of component positioning, serum metal ion levels and a lifelong follow up. Promotor: Prof. dr. J.A.N. Verhaar, Copromotor: Dr. P.K. Bos, Dr. N.M.C. Mathijssen. Pure Eur.nl
Sabine van der Graaff (September 2024) Clinical Decisions and Implications for Treatment of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Ruptures and Traumatic Meniscal Tears. Promotor: Prof. J.A.N. Verhaar, MD, PhD, CoPromotor: D.E. Meuffels, MD, PhD & M. Reijman, PhD Pure.nl
Verschueren J (2024 June) Unloading therapy for medial knee osteoarthritis: Clinical outcomes and quantitative imaging considerations. Promotor: Prof. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra, MD, PhD & Prof. E. Oei, MD, PhD, Copromotor: M. Reijman, PhD Pure Eur.nl
Wesdorp M.A. (2024, January) Promoting endogenous repair in osteochondral defects: Exploring therapeutic strategies and the impact of inflammation. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr. G.J.V.M. van Osch, Prof. dr. J.A.N. Verhaar, Dr. R. Narcisi. Pure Eur.nl
Willems J.A. (2024 April) Bone, Union and Osteoarthritis. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra, D.E. Meuffels, Dr. O. van der Jagt Pure Eur.nl
Rooij de J.D. (2023, January) Nucleoplasty: A new treatment option for cervical radicular pain due to a disc herniation.Pure.Eur.nl
Kuijk K.S.R. (2023, March): Cruciate ligament rupture and the role of radiological knee shape. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra, D.E. Meuffels.Pure.Eur.nl
Voskamp C. (2023, April): Cartilage Tissue Engineering. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr. G.J.V.M. van Osch, Dr. R. Narcisi. Pure.Eur.nl
Pkric A. (2023, January): Advancement in total elbow arthroplasty care. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr. D. Eygendaal, Dr. B. The, Dr. C.J.A. van Bergen. Pure.eur.nl
Ferrao Blanco M. 2022, October) Pharmacolocal treatments for osteoarthritis - Emerging therapeutic strategies targeting chondrocyte hypertrophy and inflammation. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr. G.J.V.M. van Osch, Dr. R. Narcisi. Pure.eur.nl
van Egmond J. (2022, October) Optimizing Fast-Track Protocols for Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam. PRom/Coprom: Prof.dr. J.A.N. Verhaar, Dr. N.M.C. Mathijssen. Pure.eur,nl
Leijs, M. (2021, December). Intra-Articular Application of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis — The Next Step: Optimization of Therapeutic Capacity and Applicability. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr. G.J.V.M. van Osch, Dr. M. Bernsen, Dr. P.K. Bos. https://repub.eur.nl/pub/137032
Eggerding, V. (2021, June). Optimal treatment for patients after anterior cruciate ligament rupture. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr. S.M. Bierma-Zeinstra, Dr. M. Reijman, Dr. D.E. Meuffels. https://repub.eur.nl/pub/135515
van Klij, P. (2021, March 10). The development of the non-perfect hip in young athletes. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr. J.A.N. Verhaar, Dr. R. Agricola.Repub P. van Klij, embargo
Vainieri, ML (2021, February 18). Towards Cartilage Regeneration: Biomaterial-Assisted Cell-Free Approach in a Physiological Joint-like Environment. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr. G.J.V.M. van Osch. https://repub.eur.nl/pub/131288
Van der Vlist, AC (2021, January 20) Achilles Tendinopathy: risk factors, imaging, and treatment. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr. J.A.N. Verhaar, Dr. R.J. de Vos. https://repub.eur.nl/pub/133300
Fokkema, T. (2020, December 2). Prognosis and Prevention of Injuries in Recreational Runners. Prom/Coprom: Prof.dr.S.M. Bierma-Zeinstra, M. van Middelkoop, R.J. de Vos https://repub.eur.nl/pub/124642
Tolk, JJ (2020, June 2). Expectations and Outcome in Knee and Hip Arthroplasty. Prom/Coprom: S.M. Bierma-Zeinstra, M. Reijman, R.P.A. Janssen. https://repub.eur.nl/pub/127241
Eijgenraam SM (2020, January 22). The Meniscus Matters - Novel insights into imaging and treatment of meniscal pathology. Prom/coprom: Prof. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra, Dr. E.H.G. Oei, Dr. M. Reijman en Dr. D.E. Meuffels https://repub.eur.nl/pub/120794
Suijkerbuijk MAM (2020, January 8) Hamstring Tendon Regeneration Following Harvest for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Prom/coprom: Prof.dr.G.J.V.M. van Osch, Dr. D.E. Meuffels, Dr. Y.M. Bastiaansen-Jenniskens https://repub.eur.nl/pub/121752
v Oldenrijk J. (2019, May 21) Short Incisions and Short Stems in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Prom/coprom: Prof.dr.C.N. van Dijk, dr. M.U. Schafroth, dr. R.W. Poolman https://www.orthopeden.org/downloads/654/proefschrift-jakob-van-oldenrijk.pdf?view=active
Fahmy-Garcia S. (2019, May 2019) Towards in situ bone tissue engineering : an injectable system for protein delivery. Prom/coprom: Prof.dr. G.J.V.M. van Osch, Prof. Dr.J.P.T.M. van Leeuwen, Dr. E. Farrell, Dr. M. van Driel https://repub.eur.nl/pub/116479
Mumcuoglu, Z. D. (2018, May 9). Development of an injectable slow release system for bone morphogenetic protein-2. Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. G.J.V.M. van Osch & S.G. Kluijtmans. https://repub.eur.nl/pub/105787
Pleumeekers, M. M. (2018, juni 29). Face it: Cell-based therapy for the reconstruction of cartilage defects in the head and neck area. Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. G.J.V.M. van Osch & KS Stok. https://repub.eur.nl/pub/105992
Utomo, L. (2018, september 18). Macrophage Phenotypes in Degenerative Joint Diseases. Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. G.J.V.M. van Osch, Prof. Dr. J.A.N. Verhaar & Dr. Y.M. Bastiaansen-Jenniskens. https://repub.eur.nl/pub/106448
Boersema, G.S.A. (2017, September 13). Major Abdominal Surgical Complications : Innovative Approaches. Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. J.F. Lange, Prof. Dr. G.J. Kleinrensink, Dr. Y.M. Bastiaansen-Jenniskens & Prof.Dr. J. Jeekel. - https://repub.eur.nl/pub/100857
Dorleijn, D.M.J. (2017, January 25). Hip Osteoarthritis : symptomatic presentation and non-operative treatment. Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra, Dr. P.A.J. Luijsterburg & Dr. P.K. Bos. - https://epubs.ogc.nl/?epub=d.dorleijn%20(Metis)
Grotenhuis, N. (2017, October 11). New Models for Patient-specific Evaluation of the Effect of Biomaterials on Macrophages. Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. G.J.V.M. van Osch, Prof. Dr. J.F. Lange & Dr. Y.M. Bastiaansen-Jenniskens. - https://repub.eur.nl/pub/101852
Vos, BC de (2017, February 7). Battling Obesity : Efforts in preventing knee osteoarthritis. Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra & Dr. J. Runhaar. - https://repub.eur.nl/pub/95488
Wei, W. (2017, October 20). Adipose tissue and the knee? : role of inflammation on joint degeneration and cartilage repair. Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. G.J.V.M. van Osch, Prof. Dr. J.A.N. Verhaar & Dr. Y.M. Bastiaansen-Jenniskens. - https://repub.eur.nl/pub/102357
Windt, A.E. van der (2017, March 29). Calcineurin Inhibition at Physiological Osmolarity: Toward improving cartilage regeneration. EUR (209 pag.) Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. Ir. H.H. Weinans & Prof. Dr. J.A.N. Verhaar. - https://repub.eur.nl/pub/98466
Kroon, L. de (2017, October 23). A dive into TGHß signaling components during generation and degeneration of cartilage. Supervisors; van der Kraam PM, Van Osch GJVM, Narcisi R, Blaney Davidson N. - No link available