For everyone
We believe that the information on our website should be accessible to everyone, including visitors with a disability. That’s why we place great value on digital accessibility.
We wish to comply as fully as possible with the Dutch government’s level AA digital accessibility requirements (see (Dutch only)). By doing so, we can make our website more user-friendly and more easily accessible to everyone. We wish to achieve this goal step by step.
Our approach
We constantly seek to make our website more easily accessible by conducting extensive user tests and by seeking expert advice, for example from external interest groups and lobby groups. We use the results of user tests and the information obtained from external experts to update our guidelines and working methods. We pay attention to the following aspects in developing this website:
- Design
We asked the designer to design and build the website in accordance with the WCAG2.0 A standard, and where possible to the AA standard. We have added a contrast button to improve readability. - Content management system
We use a content management system called Sitecore, which enables us to optimise the accessibility of our website. - Plain language
Our goal is to write all our texts in language that is as clear and as plain as possible. We try to write at B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference, which is the level that most people can understand. Due to the academic nature of our work, this is not feasible in all cases. Nevertheless, we try to stick to B1 level as much as possible, especially when writing about patient care. - Structure
Our website makes maximum use of a clear page layout. This means using clear titles and a clear structure with the aid of sub-headings and clearly formatted lists. - Images
We also try to take maximum account of the accessibility requirements for the images on the website. For example, we do not insert any text in images and we make maximum use of the features offered by our content management system (for example, in relation to Alt text). - Links
We have done our best to mark hyperlinks to external websites by inserting a diagonal arrow just before the hyperlink in question. The arrow tells you that you are being directed to an external, i.e. non-Erasmus MC, website. See, for example, the hyperlink towards the top of this page directing you to the DigiToegankelijk website.
- Videos clips
Unfortunately, not all our video clips are subtitled. It is getting better, but this is another aspect we keep working on. Our policy is to try and ensure that, in future, all our video clips are subtitled. - Web forms.
We try and use simple, easily accessible web forms wherever possible. This means, for example, using plain language, clear labels, clear input fields and error messages that are easy to understand. - Documents.
We wish to minimise the use of documents on our website. Where documents are used, these are preferably available in the form of readily accessible PDFs. You may, however, occasionally come across a PDF that is not easily accessible.
Color blindness
The color/contrast on the website complies with wcag AA (Level 2), i.e. there is enough contrast for elements that are not graphic. This should make them sufficiently visible. For color blindness, however, other things are important, such as a high contrast mode function, no text on images and take into account contrast in presentations, PDFs, charts and other graphics. This is still being worked on, for example through guidelines in the development of content.
Despite our policy and the efforts we have put into improving the accessibility of our website, we cannot yet guarantee that it is fully accessible. There is still a lot we need to learn – and to improve. That, at least, is something we can guarantee: that we will continue to do our very best to make sure that our website is accessible for everyone.
Suggestions for improvement?
Are you facing problems with the accessibility of this website or do you have any suggestions for improvement? Please let us know via our feedback form.