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J. (Jos) Runhaar, PhD

Researcher in General Practice

  • Department
  • General Practice
  • Focus area
  • Musculoskeletal disorders

About J. (Jos) Runhaar, PhD


Dr Jos Runhaar is an Assistant Professor at the Department of General Practice of Erasmus MC.

He was trained as Human Movement Scientist at the Vrije University Amsterdam.

For his PhD, he performed the first ever RCT on the primary prevention of osteoarthritis, supervised by prof. Bierma-Zeinstra and prof. Koes.

The research line of Dr. Runhaar aims to improve the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders by general practitioners and physiotherapists and to shift the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders to the early disease phase.

Dr. Runhaar served different scientific committees, including the Research and Training Committee of OARSI (Chair), the Scientific Advisory Board for the Dutch Arthritis Society, the Organizing Committee for the 2020 International Workshop on OA Imaging (co-Chair), the Advisory Board for the International Society of OA Imaging and multiple (inter)national Thesis Assessment Committees.


Jos Runhaar's publications can be found here

Scholarships, grants, and awards

Received grants

  • European League against Rheumatism (EULAR)
  • Dutch Scientific College Physiotherapy, Osteoarthritis
  • Society International(OARSI), Dutch Arthritis Society
  • ZonMw Efficiency Research