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Profile picture of Tom Piscaer

T. M. (Tom) Piscaer, MD PhD

Orthopaedic surgeon/Traumatologist

  • Department
  • Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

About T. M. (Tom) Piscaer, MD PhD

Field(s) of expertise

Sport knee and hip, trauma 
Sport Hip
Kids knee 


Education and career

MD, University of Groningen
PhD ErasmusMC Rotterdam
Orthopedic sugeon/traumatology residency, Delft / Rotterdam 


Publications on Pubmed

Publicatios & Profile on PURE

Teaching activities

Education for residents orthopedic surgery, Rotterdam
Education, master and bachelor medicine, Erasmusmus University, Rotterdam  
Education master and bachelor clinical technology, Technical university,  Delft
Speaker at wide variety of conferences 

Other positions

Fellowship committee, Dutch arthroscopic society
Dutch guideline committee for anterior knee pain

Current research projects

Dynamic imaging of knee biomechanics
Osteochondritis dissecans in children, cohort
Anterior cruciate ligament injury in children, cohort