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S.L. (Shannon) van der Zeeuw

PhD student

  • Department
  • Pharmacy
  • Focus area
  • Sustainable healthcare

About S.L. (Shannon) van der Zeeuw


Shannon pursued her bachelor degree in Biopharmaceutical Sciences and subsequently her master in Pharmacy at Leiden University. In 2023, she started as a pharmacist at the department of Pharmacy at the Erasmus MC. She began her PhD in 2024 at Erasmus MC, focusing on cost-effectiveness of expensive drugs. Her research ranges from implementation studies to pharmacokinetic analyses to support alternative dosing regimens in clinical practice.

Field(s) of expertise

  • Modelling and simulation;
  • Cost-effectiveness analyses.

Education and career

BSc in Biopharmaceutical Sciences, MSc in Pharmacy at Leiden University.

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