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Principal Investigator

M.M.A. (Monique) Verstegen, PhD

Associate Professor

  • Department
  • Surgery

About M.M.A. (Monique) Verstegen, PhD


Research in the field of liver transplantation and stem cell biology provides a very inspirational environment that encourages me to use all my creativity and knowledge to overcome challenges and find new ways to learn about the complex processes and interactions found in liver regeneration. In addition, educating and motivating young scientists to become independent researchers, is another incentive that makes me love my job.

Education and career

I studied Biology at Utrecht University and did my PhD on characterization of hematopoietic stem cells at the department of Hematology of the Erasmus MC. I was employed as a post doc at the department of Hematology and I worked as a Marie Curie Fellow in Hannover, Germany. Back in the Netherlands, I was involved in setting up the Parelsnoer project for Leukemia and worked at the department of Pediatrics, Erasmus MC, on the genetics of pediatric leukemia.
Since 2013 I work at the department of Surgery, Erasmus MC where I am currently appointed. I am involved in several projects focusing on the development of liver scaffolds for tissue and organ engineering, mechanisms in regeneration of biliary epithelium after injury and primary liver cancer using the liver-organoid culture system.

I work at the Laboratory Experimental Transplantation and Intestinal Surgery (LETIS), at the Department of Surgery. I work in close collaboration with my colleagues of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (MDL).


Human primary liver cancer-derived organoid cultures for disease modeling and drug screening. 
Broutier L, Mastrogiovanni G, Verstegen MM, Francies HE, Gavarró LM, Bradshaw CR, Allen GE, Arnes-Benito R, Sidorova O, Gaspersz MP, Georgakopoulos N, Koo BK, Dietmann S, Davies SE, Praseedom RK, Lieshout R, IJzermans JNM, Wigmore SJ, Saeb-Parsy K, Garnett MJ, van der Laan LJ, Huch M. (2017). Nat Med. 2017 Dec;23(12):1424-1435. doi: 10.1038/nm.4438.
Decellularization of Whole Human Liver Grafts Using Controlled Perfusion for Transplantable Organ Bioscaffolds. 
Verstegen MMA, Willemse J, van den Hoek S, Kremers GJ, Luider TM, van Huizen NA, Willemssen FEJA, Metselaar HJ, IJzermans JNM, van der Laan LJW, de Jonge J. (2017). Stem Cells Dev. 2017 Sep 15;26(18):1304-1315. doi: 10.1089/scd.2017.0095.
From organoids to organs: Bioengineering liver grafts from hepatic stem cells and matrix. 
Willemse J, Lieshout R, van der Laan LJW, Verstegen MMA. (2017). Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2017 Apr;31(2):151-159. doi: 10.1016/j.bpg.2017.03.003.
Tissue-specific mutation accumulation in human adult stem cells during life. 
Blokzijl F, de Ligt J, Jager M, Sasselli V, Roerink S, Sasaki N, Huch M, Boymans S, Kuijk E, Prins P, Nijman IJ, Martincorena I, Mokry M, Wiegerinck CL, Middendorp S, Sato T, Schwank G, Nieuwenhuis EE, Verstegen MM, van der Laan LJ, de Jonge J, IJzermans JN, Vries RG, van de Wetering M, Stratton MR, Clevers H, Cuppen E, van Boxtel R. (2016). Nature. 2016 Oct 13;538(7624):260-264. doi: 10.1038/nature19768.
Gene therapies for hepatitis C virus. 
Verstegen MM, Pan Q, van der Laan LJ. (2015). Adv Exp Med Biol. 2015;848:1-29. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2432-5_1.

A complete overview of publications can be found on PubMed

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