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Profile picture of Régina Steegers- Theunissen

Prof. R.P.M. (Régine) Steegers- Theunissen

Principal Investigator


About Prof. R.P.M. (Régine) Steegers- Theunissen


My name is Régine Steegers- Theunissen, I have trained as a medical doctor and epidemiologist B at the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and received a doctorate in 1993. As associate professor I was responsible for a research line on primary prevention of congenital anomalies. After moving to Rotterdam, I was appointed professor in Periconception epidemiology and digital lifestyle care innovations at the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and subdivision of Neonatology at the Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam in 2010.

Field(s) of expertise

Since 1993 my research groups have generated new knowledge about the impact of folic acid supplement use, dietary patterns, lifestyle on a carbon metabolism and cardiovascular- and epigenetic mechanisms that influence periconception health and outcomes of (sub)fertile couples with a child wish. Our translational research comprised case-control triad studies on congenital malformations and preconception IVF cohorts. From 2009 onwards the Rotterdam periconception cohort (Predict Study) is successfully being conducted and embedded in our patient care with follow up of patient couples until 1 year after delivery.

Education and career

In the past 10 years, validated innovative research findings  have been implemented in outpatient preconception clinics for nutrition and lifestyle care. In addition, multifunctional device-independent mHealth coaching programs are being developed, tested and implemented in health care, such as Smarterpregnancy.co.uk and other programs available on mijnleefstijlzorg.nl. These web-based platforms are aimed to increase the quality of periconception and pregnancy health and care by improving couples’ nutrition, lifestyle, and compliance with medical treatmen. Results show significant improvements of inadequate behaviors in (sub)fertile women living in non-deprived and deprived neighborhoods, particularly in women of participating couples, and better pregnancy chances.


A complete overview of publications can be found here:

Régine Steegers- Theunissen

Other positions

Convergence From 2018, I am the Erasmus MC initiator of the Convergence flagship Digital Twin for the convergence with the Technical University Delft. Our first goal is developing a digital twin for the life course of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Based on Big data we will generate algorithms, by using AI, deep- and machine learning, to be used for digital care innovations, such as digital coaching, wearables, alarming and monitoring systems. These will be tested and offered to the patient via a digital life course care path, so as to (cost)effectively support patient-centered and face-to-face care. With these ambitions of the coming years, it is our ultimate aim to contribute to better health and care from the earliest beginning of life of current and future generations. 

My Groups