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A. (Anne-Sophie) Klein Gebbink

PhD student

  • Department
  • Pharmacy
  • Focus area
  • Cost-effectiveness and pricing of specialty drugs
External Profile

About A. (Anne-Sophie) Klein Gebbink


Anne-Sophie is a PhD-candidate at the Pharmacy Department. She focuses on cost-effectiveness of specialty drugs and more specifically, the role of academic hospitals in ensuring cost-effective prescription of specialty drugs. Further, Anne-Sophie conducts research on pricing and pricing models for specialty drugs, together with the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management (ESHPM). 

Field(s) of expertise

  • Pharmacoeconomics
  • Pharmaceutical Pricing
  • Health Technology Assessment

Education and career

Anne-Sophie studied European Public Health at Maastricht University, the Netherlands, with a minor in Health & Human Sciences at Sheffield University, England. She holds a Master’s degree in Health Economics, Policy, and Law from Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She started her PhD-trajectory at the Pharmacy, Erasmus MC in 2022 and is co-supervised at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, department Health Technology Assessment (HTA).


A complete overview of publications can be found on Pubmed.

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