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Profile picture of Juan Antonio Hernández Tamames
Principal Investigator

J.A. (Juan Antonio) Hernandez-Tamames, Prof.

Principal Investigator

Professor and Principal Investigator of Physics in MR Technology

  • Department
  • Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
  • Focus area
  • Biomedical Image Acquisition & Analysis
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About J.A. (Juan Antonio) Hernandez-Tamames, Prof.


Juan Hernandez-Tamames received his MSc degree in Physics from Complutense University in Madrid (Spain) in 1992. He received his PhD degree (cum laude) in Biomedical Engineering from Polytechnic University also in Madrid in 1999 with a dissertation about Wavelet Transforms in fMRI.  He obtained several academic positions as Assistant Professor at Complutense University and at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid between 1999 and 2002. In 2000 he was visiting professor at the Institute of Psychiatry in London (King’s College of London). In 2002 he obtained a permanent position as Associate Professor at Rey Juan Carlos University.   From 2004 to 2015 he was the Head of Medical Image Analysis and Biometry Lab at Rey Juan Carlos University. From 2007 to 2014 he was the head of the Electronics Department at Rey Juan Carlos University. From 2008 to 2014 he was the director of the MR Physics Group in the Queen Sofia Research Center for Alzheimer’s Disease in Madrid. From 2010 to 2015 he was faculty of the MIT program M+Vision for medical imaging training and mentoring. He was member of the management committee of the EU COST Action “ASL in Dementia”. Since 2013 he is qualified as “full professor” by the Spanish Professorship’s Accreditation System (ANECA).  He has been PI of several national and international research projects.

Field(s) of expertise

With my team and in cooperation with other research groups at Erasmus MC, I'm  participating in several important research projects. Some meaningful examples are: “HARPS, It is an Erasmus MC MRace grant, for Harmonizing the Acquisition in Multiple MR scanners for population studies using Artificial Intelligence”. “Vascular Signature Mapping of Brain Tumor Genotypes" is an NWO national grant in collaboration with LUMC. “Deep MR-only Radiotherapy Planning”,  European EIT Healthcare project in collaboration with GE Healthcare, the EMC Radiotherapy department and the New Castle University (UK)”. "MR-Physiological Signature", to obtain quantitative territorial maps from gliomas, in collaboration with GE Healtcare.

Education and career

  • 1989   Bachelor in Physics.
  • 1992   MSc in Physics.
  • 1999   PhD in MR Physics.
  • 2000   Visiting Professor IOP (KCL, UK).
  • 2010-2015   Faculty MIT (Boston, Massachussets). Part-Time. Fixed-term position.
  • 2015 (since May)   Erasmus MC, department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine: Head of MR Physics Research Group. 
  • 2007-2013   King Juan Carlos University: Head of the Electronics Department.
  • 2004-2007   King Juan Carlos University: Deputy Head of Electronics Department. 
  • 2013-now   “Medimsight, Co”: founder and partner. Company focus on Medical Image management in Cloud. 
  • 2004-2015   Madrid Government: Founder & Director of the “Medical Image Analysis and Biometry Laboratory”. 
  • 2007-2014   Queen Sofía Foundation for Alzheimer Disease: Founder & Director of the “Neuroimaging Laboratory”.
  • Management Committee Member of the EU COST Action


  • Scopus: 23094195200
  • Reseracher Id: N-5319-2014
  • NCBI

Teaching activities

  • 2015-         Associate Professor. Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Department. Erasmus MC. (Permanent since 2017)
  • 2002-2015 Associate Professor. Rey Juan Carlos University. Madrid. Full Time. Permanent Position. 
  • 1998-2002 Assistant Professor. Rey Juan Carlos University. Full-time Fixed-term Position.
  • 1995-1998 Assistant Professor. Complutense University. Part-Time. Fixed-term Position.
  1. Title: Accurate Construction of MR-Based Patient-Specific Tissue Models: Clinical Application in Novel Imaging Modalities .Mark: Magna Cum Laude.  Author: Angel Torrado. Supervisor: Juan A. Hernandez-Tamames. Norberto Malpica. Rey Juan carlos University. 22/05/2016
  2. Title: Olfactometer compatible with fMRI. Author: Guillermo Luna. Mark: Magna Cum Laude. Supervisor: Juan Antonio Hernández Tamames, Susana Borromeo López.  Rey Juan Carlos University. 16/02/2017
  3. Title: Multimodal integration of functional and structural brain connectivity. An application to the characterization of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Author: José Pineda Pardo. Mark: Magna Cum Laude. Supervisor: Juan Antonio Hernández Tamames, Francisco del Pozo. Rey Juan Carlos University. 2015
  4. Title: WEB-PACS in Cloud for Medical Image Research. Author: Miguel Angel Laguna Lobato. Mark: Magna Cum Laude. Supervisor: Juan Antonio Hernández Tamames, Norberto Malpica González de Vega. Universidad: Rey Juan Carlos . 10/11/2014
  5. Title: Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Using Pulse Sequences With EPI And Spiral K-Space Trajectories: Clinical Application In Fixation-Off Epilepsy . Author: Ana Beatriz Solana. Mark: Magna Cum Laude. Supervisor: Juan Antonio Hernández Tamames, Francisco del Pozo Guerrero. Rey Juan Carlos University. 22/09/2014
  6. Title: Image restoration and Brain tissue segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging . Author: Mª Gabriela Pérez Hernández. Mark: Magna Cum Laude. Supervisor: Juan Antonio Hernández Tamames. Rey Juan Carlos University. 30/03/2012
  7. Title: Multimodal integration of biomarkers in Magnetic Resonance to aid diagnosis of neurodegenerative and neurological diseases. Author: Virginia Mato Abad. Mark: Magna Cum Laude. 28-07-2011. Supervisor: Juan Antonio Hernández Tamames . Co-supervisor: Javier Pereira Loureiro
  8. Title: Embedded Electronics Systems for Information Systems Context Based. Author: Cristina Rodríguez Sánchez. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Mark: Magna Cum Laude. 10-09-2009. Supervisor: Juan Antonio Hernández Tamames . Co-Supervisor: Susana Borromeo López

Other positions

Previously, during 10 years I was deputy director and director of the Electronics Department in my previos position. I was also member of different boards of directors and member of the executive committee of a EU COST action. I’m also founder of one Spin-off. Currently, I'm member of the governance committee of the ISMRM.

Commissions of trust

Scientific advisory board:

  • Queen Sofia Foundation for Alzheimer Disease. 2007-2014
  • Centre of Biomedical Technology. Polytechnic University. Madrid. 2008-2015.

Review board:

  • PLOS one 2016-2017
  • Magnetic Resonance In Medicine Journal
  • Journal of Magnetic Resonance In Medicine
  • ISMRM.
  • International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Conference
  • European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology Conference

Review panel member:

  • Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
  • Spanish Ministry of Science.

Organisation of scientific meetings:

  • ESMRMB 2018, Local committee

Board of Directors:

  • Rey Juan Carlos University. 2017-2013
  • Board of Faculties M+Vision Consortium
 MIT - 2010 - 2015


  • Perfusion Experts Group. ISMRM. Since 2010
  • Quantitative MR Experts Groups. ISMRM. Since 2017

Scholarships, grants, and awards

  • 2014. Six “cum laude” mentions at ISMRM 2014 Conference. May 10-16. Milan. Italy.
  • 2009. Best Poster Prize by Lancet at the 3rd World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy). Prague, Czech Republic, October 8-11, 2009
  • 2003. Rafael Hervada Award for biomedical research: Functional MRI in migraine: imaging of photophobia.
  • 2011. Best Oral Communication. Brain Plasticity 
    Awarding entity: FUNDACION UNIVERSITAT JAUME I-EMPRESA date: 30/09/2011