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Research project

Forensic psychiatry

Our research focuses on the various biological, psychological and social factors involved in the predisposition to, onset of, and maintenance of common psychiatric disorders that accompany the risk of criminal offending.

What we do

About our project

Our research focuses on the various biological, psychological and social factors involved in the predisposition to, onset of, and maintenance of common psychiatric disorders that accompany the risk of criminal offending.

The predictive and prognostic value of the biomarkers of aggression and antisocial behaviour, including measures of sensory processing, puberty timing, hormonal levels in hair and (epi)genetic signatures, are studied in clinical samples of forensic psychiatric patients, as well as in adolescents at increased risk for criminal involvement (the iBerry Study).

The research group closely collaborates with Fivoor, Transfore, the Center for eHealth & Wellbeing at the University of Twente and the Faculty of Law of the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Our team

Faculty Postdoctoral researchers
  • S.J. Roza, MD PhD
  • P.J.S. Michielsen, MD PhD
  • Prof. W.J.G. Hoogendijk, MD PhD
