What we do
About our project
Patients in the last phase of life often use many medications that are continued until shortly before their deaths. This is partly inevitable, because these patients often have multiple symptoms that need to be alleviated. However, the benefits of using multiple medications at the end of life are debatable for a number of reasons, because they are aimed at the long-term prevention of illness. When a patient has a limited life expectancy, physicians should therefore reconsider the use of potentially inappropriate medications.
We have designed a study to evaluate the effect of a personalized medication recommendation on adequate medication management in patients with a limited life expectancy. The recommendations are provided by a clinical decision support system (CDSS-OPTIMED), which gives recommendations on what medications may be discontinued in patients with a limited life expectancy. The recommendations are based on scientific literature, currently available guidelines and pharmacological insights. The CDSS-OPTIMED intervention is expected to result in improved medication management and possibly reduced use of potentially inappropriate medication. We hypothesize that the intervention will reduce the burden of inappropriate medication and improve patients’ quality of life.
We have designed a study to evaluate the effect of a personalized medication recommendation on adequate medication management in patients with a limited life expectancy. The recommendations are provided by a clinical decision support system (CDSS-OPTIMED), which gives recommendations on what medications may be discontinued in patients with a limited life expectancy. The recommendations are based on scientific literature, currently available guidelines and pharmacological insights. The CDSS-OPTIMED intervention is expected to result in improved medication management and possibly reduced use of potentially inappropriate medication. We hypothesize that the intervention will reduce the burden of inappropriate medication and improve patients’ quality of life.
Our research focus
- Patients’ quality of life
- Palliative Care
- Medication Optimization
- Potentially inappropriate medication
- Clinical Decision Support System
Funds & Grants
This project is supported by ZonMw (Programma Goed Gebruik Geneesmiddelen)
Collaborations within Erasmus MC
- Department of Hospital Pharmacy, research group Medication Optimization and Safety
- Department of Public Health, research group Medical decisions in end-of-life care
Collaborations outside of Erasmus MC
- Family Medicine Network (FaMe-Net). (famenet.nl)
- Gezondheidscentrum Krimpen aan den IJssel (gckrimpen.nl)
- Hospice Unit Laurens Cadenza Zuid. (Laurens Cadenza Zuid – Laurens)
- Ikazia Ziekenhuis
- Rijnstate Ziekenhuis
- Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep
Our team
Carin van der Rijt
Eric Geijteman
Hugo van der Kuy
Agnes van der Heide
Marte van Hylckama Vlieg
Iris Pot
Eric Geijteman
Hugo van der Kuy
Agnes van der Heide
Marte van Hylckama Vlieg
Iris Pot