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Research project

Ankle Osteoarthritis Cohort

Status: Ongoing (1 April 2017 - expected 2022)

To study the association between early radiographic features of ankle osteoarthritis and symptoms.

What we do

About our project

Ankle complaints are common in the field of General Practice. One year after an ankle sprain, one third of the patients still has complaints and these are associated with persistent complaints after 5 years. There is still a lot unknown about the prevalence of early radiologic osteoarthritis and its association with clinical symptoms in primary care.

We hypothesize that early radiologic osteoarthritis is associated with (future) clinical ankle pain and function.

Study design: Prospective cohort study
Population: Adults that were referred for a radiological examination of their ankle
Procedure: Standardized assessments of ankle X-rays, questionnaires about ankle complaints and the ankle osteoarthritis were collected.

Our research focus

Primary outcome
Radiological signs of osteoarthritis, i.e. joint space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, osteophytes and cyst formation.

Secondary outcomes
1. Patient characteristics;
2. Symptoms (e.g. pain, instability, loss of function, stiffness).


Department of Radiology, Albert Schweitzer Hospital.

Our team

Dr. M. van Middelkoop (co-promotor), m.vanmiddelkoop@erasmusmc.nl
S. Kloprogge, s.kloprogge@erasmusmc.nl
Dr. N. van Putte-Katier, N.van.putte@asz.nl
Prof. Dr. P.J.E. Bindels, p.bindels@erasmusmc.nl
Prof. Dr. S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra (promotor), s.bierma-zeinstra@erasmusmc.nl

Contact address for the project: s.kloprogge@erasmusmc.nl.