BSc en MSc studenten
New technologies and societal developments and changing views on health care and its professionals pose new questions and raise issues we never had to consider before. Things as they stand developed this way, but could have developed in another way. What were important contributing ideas, facts, decisions? What happens mostly is not always what is right. What is the law is not always the right thing to do. How can you know what is the right thing to do?
The goal of teaching medical humaniora is to encourage students (on all levels, ie bachelor, master, PhD- post doc), from various courses (e.g. nursing, medical, clinical technology) to develop a critical view, and to teach them to use theoretical insights from different disciplines and arguments in defending their considered point of view. We thus contribute to a truly academic training.
Hafez Ismaili M Hamdi is coordinator of our bachelor programs. Contact him if you want to know more about our bachelor program.
Hannie Aartsen is coordinator of the master programs, and of the minor health ethics. Contact her if you want to know more about our master program, or about our minor.
Maartje Schermer is coordinator of the master research program. Contact her if you are interested in doing a master-research project at our department
Timo Bolt is coordinator of all medical history teaching in our bachelor programs at Erasmus MC and UMCG.